Dr. The Honorable Leslie Ramsammy
Minister of Health, The Ministry of Health
Dr. The Honorable Leslie Ramsammy has been serving as Minister of Health, The Ministry of Health, Guyana since 2001. He has also been a member of Parliament since 1997. As Minister of Health, Dr. Ramsammy is leading the Guyana Ministry of Health to improve the physical, social and mental health status of all Guyanese and to enhance the effectiveness of health personnel through continuing education, training and management systems. Dr. Ramsammy has been a Post Doctoral Fellow (Neurochemistry) at the New York Institute of Developmental Disabilities and is a Senior Fellow, WINDRIF, St. Georges School of Medicine. He was a Senior Lecturer in Chemical Pathology at the University of Guyana from 1996-2001. He has more than 70 scientific publications and is the author of HIV/AIDS – A Public Health Challenge. Dr. Ramsammy received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry and M.Sc., in Biology from St. John’s University, N.Y.