Morgan Medlock, MD, MDiv, MPH


Former Commissioner, Colorado Behavioral Health Administration (Governor's Cabinet)


Dr. Medlock was Behavioral Health Commissioner for the State of Colorado and a member of the Governor’s Cabinet from January 2022 to August 2023. An emergency psychiatrist and addiction medicine specialist by training, Dr. Medlock previously served as the Chief Medical Officer and Director of Crisis and Emergency Services for the Washington, DC Department of Behavioral Health. She also served on the faculty of the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Law, Brain, and Behavior and Howard University College Of Medicine and has held a previous appointment as a Clinical Fellow in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Among her many leadership positions, Dr. Medlock served on the American Psychiatric Association’s Council on Minority Mental Health and Health Disparities, including a term as Vice Chair from 2019-2020. She also participated in the District Of Columbia Hospital Association’s Opioid Taskforce, serving as Co-Chair from 2019-2020. Dr. Medlock received her MD from the Mayo Clinic School Of Medicine, her MPH from Harvard T.H. Chan School Of Public Health, and her MDiv from Andrews University.


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